- Knowledge About Diamonds from Mines to Market
- Physical and Optical Properties of Diamonds
- Internal and External Inclusion
- Knowledge of Manufacturing Stages from Rough to Polished
- 4C's Knowledge
- Grading According to 4C's
- Knowledge of Lab Grown Diamonds
- Diamond Valuation and Prizing
- Knowledge of Local Market
- Grading of Fancy Shapes Diamonds
- Fluorescence Grading
- Clarity Grading Through Microscope
- Repairing Knowledge
- Hearts & Arrow Knowledge
- Ideal Cut
- Symmetry and Polished Grading
- Online Learning
- Classroom Training
- Surat
- Jaipur
- Jasdan
- Navsari
- Mumbai
Half day: 9.00 AM to 1.30 PM / 2.00 PM to 6.00 PM
Full day: 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM
to Saturday)
- Presentation Based Theory
- Hands on Training (Practical)
- Placement Assistance
- Large Diamond Inventory for Practice
- Industry Oriented Training
- Grader, Planner, Marker
- Manager, Article Head, Stockist
- Supervisor
The Academy's vision is to give the industry and the students,
an institution that helps fulfil their needs through some well-structured
courses which aim to give the industry a place to find good talent and give the
next generation good grounding in Gems & Jewellery sector. The institute
has the best faculties available and an infrastructure in the concerned field
for imparting excellent training to its students.
institute is backed by the KGK Group, which has years of global expertise in
the field. The institute gains a lot from KGK’s know-how of the global trade
and helps design courses to meet the industry's needs for decades to come.
- 12th Pass and Higher
- Age above 18
- Ability to Read English
- diploma in polished diamond grading

KGK એકેડેમી અને તેના ઉત્કૃષ્ટ ટ્રેનર્સ દ્વારા પ્રદાન કરવામાં આવેલ અસાધારણ શિક્ષણ અનુભવ માટે હું ખૂબ જ આભારી છું. સહાયક અને વ્યાવસાયિક વાતાવરણ સાથે સારી રીતે સંરચિત અભ્યાસક્રમને જોડીને, એકેડેમી શ્રેષ્ઠતાના દીવાદાંડી તરીકે ઉભી છે. ગ્રેડિંગ ટ્રેનર શ્રી અરવિંદસિંહ ઠાકુર સર, જેમની નિપુણતા અને વિષય પ્રત્યેનો જુસ્સો દરેક સત્રમાં ઝળકે છે. જટિલ વિભાવનાઓને સરળ બનાવવાની તેમની ક્ષમતા, તેમની ધીરજ અને પ્રોત્સાહન સાથે, શીખવાની યાત્રાને સમૃદ્ધ અને આનંદદાયક બંને બનાવી છે. KGK એકેડેમી અને તેની ટીમ વૃદ્ધિ અને શ્રેષ્ઠતાને ઉત્તેજન આપવા માટેના સમર્પણનું ઉદાહરણ આપે છે, અને હું આવી પ્રેરણાદાયી સંસ્થાનો ભાગ બનવાનો વિશેષાધિકાર અનુભવું છું. જ્ઞાન માટે ઊંડો ઉત્કટ પ્રજ્વલિત કરવા અને તેજસ્વીતાનું ધોરણ સેટ કરવા બદલ આભાર.

In KGK Academy's Polish Diamond Grading Course exceeded my expectations with its in-depth, hands-on approach to diamond grading. The curriculum was very comprehensive, covering not only the 4Cs but also modern technologies in grading. Our trainer Mr. Arvindsingh Thakur Sir, who had decades of experience in the Diamond industry, provided valuable insights and personalized feedback during practical sessions. The pacing of the course was appropriate, and the materials were top-notch. Overall, it was an excellent investment in KGK Academy, especially with the certification, which has opened doors to new job opportunities in the diamond industry.

Great experience and provides quality training. i like the way of my trainer teaching. it was very easy to understand. i recommend to all to enrolling a Polished Diamond Grading Course. The best Diamond training institute in Gujarat.

I had an excellent experience at this academy, which is the ideal learning environment for diamonds. The faculty and team are incredibly helpful and supportive. The trainers are outstanding, simplifying complex concepts for easy comprehension and knowledge acquisition.

Experienced faculty, updated technology, providing training on natural Diamonds

Providing in depth knowledge about Polish Diamond from observing Diamonds with loupe to on microscope.